Kamis, 13 Januari 2011



sejarah geografi

HISTORY GEOGRAPHY The Greeks were the first people known to actively explore geography as a science and philosophy, with its main thinkers Thales of Miletus, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Aristotle, Dicaearchus of Messana, Strabo, and Ptolemy. The Romans contributed to the mapping as they explored new lands added new techniques. One technique is periplus, descriptions of ports and inland along the coastline which can be seen offshore sailors; first example is Hanno the Navigator of Carthaginia and one from Sea erythraea, the two survivors at sea using a technique periplus by recognizing the Red Sea coastline and the Persian Gulf. In the Middle Ages, Arabs such as al-Idrisi, Ibn Battuta and Ibn Khaldun maintain and continue to build a legacy of the Greeks and Romans. The journeys of Marco Polo, geography spread throughout Europe. During the Renaissance and in the 16th century and 17 great voyages undertaken to find the theoretical basis and details more accurately. Geographia generalis by Bernhardus Varenius and Gerardus Mercator world map is the biggest example. After the 18th century, geography had become recognized as a discrete discipline and became part of the curriculum at universities in Europe (mainly in Paris and Berlin), but not in the UK where geography is taught only as a sub-discipline of other sciences. One of the great works of this era are the Cosmos: a sketch of the physical description of the Universe, by Alexander vom Humboldt. For more than two centuries the quantity of knowledge and tools has exploded. There is a strong relationship between geography with geology and botany, as well as economics, sociology and demography. In the west, during the 20th century, the discipline of geography through four major phases: environmental determinism, regional geography, critical geography and quantitative revolution. Environmental determinism is the theory that human and cultural characteristics caused by the natural environment. Deteriminisme fanatical adherents of the environment is Carl Ritter, Ellen Churchill Semple and Ellsworth Huntington. Popular hypotheses included "heat makes inhabitants of the tropics lazy" and "frequent changes in barometric pressure make inhabitants of latitude is more intelligent". Environmental determinist geographers try to make the study of an influential theory. Around the 1930's thought was widely repudiated as lacking any basis and being prone to generalization (often bigoted). Environmental determinism remains an embarrassment to many contemporary geographers, and leads to skepticism among geographers with claims of environmental influence on culture (such as Jared Diamond's theory.)
